vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

Scarface the World is Yours

Scarface is based on what we've seen in Grand Theft Auto. In fact, it's fairly obvious that Radical used said series as the blueprint and then went back and re-evaluated its shortcomings. The result is that we have a game that fixes many of GTA's problematic elements, like the targeting system or having to drive out of the way to stock up on weapons, while also retaining many of its standardized and fun aspects. As well, the developer has introduced a number of unique features, most of which work out quite well. The result is an experience that fans of the genre will feel right at home with while offering enough original ideas to keep it feeling fresh. The absolute best thing that ties the game to the movie however is how well the character of Tony Montana is represented. Though Al Pacino wasn't able to provide the extremely large amount of spoken dialog (although he did help choose the actor), the voice work for Tony Montana is absolutely superb. From his accent to inflections to the slight but noticeable way he accentuates curse words with ease mid-sentence, his voice work is dead-on. Tony's animations are basically perfect as well, capturing his wild shoulder jerks, free use of hand gestures and constant look of discomfort. The rest of the game's cast is also very good, featuring a list of celebrity talent that is way too long to even begin to list, but Tony is clearly the highlight here. Absolutely fantastic work on this front download now the best game whit toni montana

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